What is Cyber hygiene? Everything You Need to Know About It | CalCom Software


What is Cyber hygiene? Everything you need to know about It

 If you are a working professional or a student, you must have heard about cyber hygiene. People nowadays are becoming more conscious of maintaining good cyber hygiene. And many technology geeks are always looking for new ways to improve cyber hygiene. But do you know what cyber hygiene is? If not, keep reading. Here we will tell you everything about cyber hygiene that you should know.

What is Cyber hygiene?

Many of you have heard the term cyber hygiene, but few know what cyber hygiene is exactly. Cyber hygiene is also known as cyber security maintenance. Cyber hygiene is a set of practices or best practices performed by an individual or institution regularly to ensure secure and healthy cyberspace. This cyber hygiene helps secure users' privacy along with their data, network and devices.

 Tips for maintaining cyber hygiene

Maintaining good cyber hygiene is essential to keeping your cyberspace safe and secure. We have shared information about what cyber hygiene is, and now it's time to give you some tips to maintain healthy cyber hygiene.

 Always use a firewall network – A network firewall is essential to improve cyber security. Using a network firewall is an important part of cyber hygiene. The network firewall is the first step to securing your system. This helps you to prevent unauthorised access.

 Install authenticated Anti-malware and anti-virus – Installing authenticated and reputed anti-virus and Anti-malware software is another crucial step in maintaining good cyber hygiene. Anti-malware and anti-virus software is a software program that scans your system or device regularly and detects malicious or harmful files, software or links. It also helps to restrict harmful sites and links that can affect your device, desktop or network.

 Use a strong password – Passwords are keys that eliminate access to different systems and software. It would help if you used a strong password to avoid hacking or other cyber threats.

Update your software regularly – Updating your software regularly is another important part of maintaining cyber hygiene. Always update the system and application that you use. The latest and updated versions of software and applications have lesser cyber threats.

 Back up regularly – Regular backup is a vital part of cyber hygiene. You should back up all your data on a hard drive or cloud. This will help you to save yourself from data loss.

Secure your router – Maintaining your router's security is also a part of cyber hygiene. Securing your router includes setting up a new password, logging out administrative permission, changing auto settings etc.

 Use device encryption – Encrypting your software and devices are also crucial for cyber security. Encrypting data and other devices helps to protect your privacy and security.

Keep your drive clean – Keeping your hard drive clean and secure is a part of cyber hygiene. If you keep your hard drive clean and regularly scan viruses, you can ensure good cyber hygiene.

 Benefits of cyber hygiene

When you know what cyber hygiene is and how you can maintain good cyber hygiene, you can get the ultimate benefits of it.


       Strengthen cyber security for a safe cyber experience.


       High levels of data security ensure data safety.


       High levels of viruses and malware protection


       Reduce potential cyber threats and attacks


       Get the latest version of an application that allows you to get a virus and bug-free service.


Cyber hygiene is an everyday process or practice that allows you to maintain strong and safe cyber security. And here, we have discussed questions like- what is Cyber hygiene? And essential tips for maintaining good cyber hygiene that ensure a safe cyberspace.


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